Northwest PeriAnesthesia Nurses' Association

Virtual Coffee with NPANA BOD


Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 8:00am PT - 9:00am PT
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Virtual Coffee


Additional Information

NPANA Members,

Join us and meet the NPANA Board of Directors, network with fellow members, and learn about ways to get more involved with APSAN and NPANA.

 During this casual and informative session, we’ll discuss:

  • Ways to get more involved with NPANA and APSAN
  • Exciting scholarship opportunities
  • Networking and professional growth
  • And much more!

 This is a fantastic opportunity to connect, ask questions, and be part of the exciting future of NPANA. We look forward to seeing you there!

Register on NPANA website or RSVP to by April 3, 2025.

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